How many spaces in Bexley grammar schools?
Updated: Feb 6, 2022

With their being so few grammar schools in England, competition for places is tough. In Bexley there are four grammar schools (Beths, Bexley, Chislehurst & Sidcup and Townley). Between them there are circa 800 places available for year 7 children. Six thousand four-hundred and twenty-four children sat the Bexley 11+ in 2019; of those children 1,544 achieved selective status. In 2020 that figure stood at 5,760 children (presumably lower than the previous year because of COVID-19) and of those children 1,508 were deemed selective.
This equates to about every one in seven getting a place in a Bexley grammar school. However, as Townley Grammar School (girls) and Beth's Grammar School (boys) are single-sex, the number of grammar school places available to any individual child are, in actuality, even less favourable than one in seven.
At 11 Plus Prep School we provide 11 plus tuition for Bexley (as well as for Kent and Bromley); we can help give your child the edge in their efforts to achieve a place at the Bexley grammar school of their choice. To find out how we can help you and your child, give us a call on 07736 252 419.